We get to know certain characters and products by name and start calling them by that name from then on, forever referring to round oat cereal as Cheerios, frozen waffles as Eggos and cotton swabs as Q-Tips.
This shows how important it is for a product to have a good brand name, but the name that sticks is often a later version of the original, such as Cheerioats losing the "at" and becoming Cheerios.
Eggos started out as Froffles, a fun combination of "frozen" and "waffles", and Q-Tips were originally called Baby Gays- which the company changed so they could market the swabs to adults as well.
A lot of people call every cola "Coke", but oddly few call colas "Pepsi" even though the two companies are the top of the soft drink industry, which may have something to do with how easy it is to say "Coke".
Still, it's probably best Pepsi chose to use a brand name rather than their original name "Brad's Drink", which just doesn't have the same ring to it.
And speaking of having a ring to it- social media apps must have a snappy name, something that's memorable and easy to slip into conversation, like Twitter, Instagram or Snapchat.
But would Instagram have become as big if it was called "Burbn"? And would Snapchat have succeeded with the original name "Pictaboo"? Burbno and Pictaboo.
See 33 Things That Were Originally Called Something Completely Different here
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