Hail Cuyler (RED) by SilverBaX
Americans were too distracted by the terrible presidential election and the sad state of affairs unfolding in the U.S. to notice the real menace crawling out of the swamps- the rise of the Cuyler family. With the hateful Early Cuyler at the helm the Cuyler family began to swim around town, wrapping their slimy little squid tentacles around the drunk, racist and angry, turning them into Servants of the Squidbillies. These misguided adults would use their shotguns and monster trucks to destroy America from the inside out, all while hailing the squid who promised to let them rule over the ashes left behind...
Warn people about the rise of Early with this Hail Cuyler (RED) t-shirt by SilverBaX, it's a hilarious way to show the world you're up on your mature rated animated comedy shows starring squids!
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