Pizza and burgers are two of the most incredible junk foods in the history of snacking and while there are plenty of cheeseburger pizzas out there -they're usually a poor combination of both with just hamburger and pickles thrown on top of a pizza.
But this pizza by Hellthy Junk Food truly combines the two foods -with a bacon cheeseburger complete with pickles, ketchup and mustard surrounded by a pepperoni pizza. You can learn how to make this monstrosity for yourself, but make sure your heart can handle such a monster meal before daring to consume it. The recipe is here.
*points out that [BLOG NAME] has gone downhill ever since [AUTHOR'S NAME] started writing*
*struts off happily knowing he just ruined some innocent blogger's day over something completely meaningless*
(then in the comfort of his own home, bakes the burger-in-pizza because it looks SEXY)