A few years ago, we showed you an interesting picture of a bagpiper and a penguin in Antarctica. The 1904 image is a classic. You can find the story behind it at Wikipedia, which can be edited by any member -and there are millions of members. Since then, the caption has undergone a slight improvement.
People thought the figure on the left should be indicated, too, so this happened.
Well, that ain't right. Someone who knows their right from their left immediately corrected the caption. But not before people started calling the penguin by the name "Piper," which is the occupation of the man on the right, Gilbert Kerr.
The next person to edit the caption also registered an opinion about the status of the penguin.

By now, the image caption at Wikipedia has been restored to its original. Redditor gorantheg had the most apt comment about the changes:
This is the kind of stupid things that's gonna end up on the front page
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