Didn't we just do one of these polls? Oh, that was in October. The Walking Dead will be taking a hiatus for a few months after this Sunday's episode, so if anyone is going to be killed, it will happen this week. Or else someone will be put in extreme danger and we'll have a cliffhanger until spring. The first half of season seven has been pretty miserable for everyone. Do you think they'll kill off any regulars this week? Place your predictions in the poll below. You can vote for more than one. And if you are current with the series, you can read some spoilerific predictions.
Rick won't be killed. He's unkillable.
I once thought that Carl was also unkillable, but now that Negan knows about Judith, he has two lives to hang over Rick's head. He could kill one kid and hold the other as a threat. That in itself wouldn't be enough to convince us that Carl is in danger, but... actor Chandler Riggs has been accepted into Auburn University next fall, and his initial contract with the show is up. That puts his future in the show in doubt. He might be killed, but probably not until the end of season seven.
Daryl is in danger, but I don't think he will die just yet. Daryl is a prisoner, and looks like he's doing more calculating now than he's ever done in his life so far.
Carol, Morgan, and Maggie won't die yet. I just don't think so.
Michonne is trying to get to the Savior's compound, which puts her in imminent danger. Still, I don't think it's yet time to get rid of this awesome character.
Judith is in extreme danger from Negan. She's been dead a long time in the comics. Her death would destroy Rick, but not enough to cause him to fight back, lest he endanger Carl.
Sasha has plans to infiltrate the Sanctuary, so yeah, she's a possible goner.
Tara has an obvious role to play later in the Negan arc, so she's safe for now.
In my opinion, Rosita has the highest chance of dying soon. She's convinced she can assassinate Negan with one shot, by herself. That's crazy.
Eugene, Gabriel, and Enid have no reason to be in danger at the moment.
Aaron and Olivia could be killed off because no one would care, but they don't seem to be in any particular danger right now.
Spencer is an unlikable character and does awful things. He will either get Rick to kill him, or join the Saviors and get killed. It's only a matter of when.
We won't see Heath again until next year, if then.
Dwight has a big role in the ultimate showdown with Negan. He won't die just yet.
Sherry, Dwight's wife until she sold herself to Negan, might very well be sacrificed at some point to further drive Dwight over the edge.
Jesus is safe for now. Negan doesn't yet see him as a threat. And he's too wily to put himself in unnecessary danger.
Gregory has been on Negan's assassination list before, and now that he's fairly irrelevant, he may be a goner.
Negan will survive to spread confusion and misery for quite some time.
Ezekiel is safe, as his character hasn't had enough screen time to justify his existence in the series yet. Same for the other characters in the Kingdom: Jerry, Benjamin, Richard, and Shiva.
Simon, Negan's lieutenant, could easily be killed off and no one would care.
In my opinion, Spencer and Rosita are the most likely to die soon. Of course, it's also very likely no one will die at all. The Walking Dead mid-season finale will air Sunday night at 9PM Eastern.
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