How To Deal With Grammar Nazis

(Via Mascot Comic)

Grammar Nazis have been lurking around society since the very beginning, commenting on our misspellings and supposed grammatical errors just so they can feel good about themselves.

(Via Unshelved)

These strict adherents to the Book of Grammar can't pass up a chance to put someone in their place for misspelling a word or using punctuation incorrectly, which helps Grammar Nazis avoid dealing with their real problem- they're jerks.

(Via MercWorks)

Luckily, Grammar Nazis are also easily distracted, so if you throw some linguistic bait out they will come- and they will nitpick until they find a flea-sized error to turn into an elephant.

(Via BizarroComics)

Once you've trapped a Grammar Nazi you should lay into them with a barrage of intentionally bad grammar, which will tear them up from the brain down.

The Grammar Nazi will soon be susceptible to reprogramming, so they can be taught to generate self-esteem naturally instead of via needless correction...either that or their head will explode!

It's a win-win if you ask me...

(Via Cyanide and Happiness)

Some people in their formative years put a lot of effort into learning the English language and how words are spelled. Some people take pride in knowing how to spell words properly AND there are some people who find it offensive to have to muck through half literate people who really don't give a damn how words are spelled and are mostly hooked on phonics.
I guess they would be called Grammar Nazis. But I disagree with that label. I see no wrong in wanting to use the English language the way it was supposed to be used.
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