Ancient Lights

Why are these window labeled as Ancient Lights? You can see the signs in quite a few places in London, and other cities in England. The reason is an urban planning law that dates back to 1663.

‘Ancient Lights’ or the ‘Right to light’ is an English property law that gives house owners the right to receive natural light from and through a window if that particular window has been receiving light uninterrupted for 20 years. Once a person gains the right to ancient lights, the owner of the adjoining land cannot obscure them, such as by erecting a building, raising a wall or planting trees. In the past, neighbors with right to light have sued neighbors on grounds of ‘nuisance’ for obstruction of light, and have won in courts of law.

The law has gone through changes, and in modern times the amount of natural light a person is entitled to has been a subject of study. But why are the signs mounted on the windows? Considering the value of property in London and other cities, you can imagine that the lots adjoining these buildings have been considered for building purposes many times. A sign deterring such plans is much easier than having to go to court again and again. Read about Ancient Lights and see more pictures at Amusing Planet. -via the Presurfer

(Image credit: Mike Newman)

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