Archive for November 22nd, 2016

Feathers and Colors Preserved for 130 Million Years

This stunning bird fossil was found in China in 2008. The species has been dubbed Eoconfuciusornis, which means “early Confucius bird.” At 130 million years old, it is the oldest bird we know of exce...

The Murderer Who Came on the Mayflower

The Mayflower left England in 1620, carrying both a colony of religious Separatists we later called the Pilgrims and other folk who went to settle in North America. Among them was John Billington and his family....


HERCULES AND RED DEMON VS THE ZOMBIES by The Dirty Poncho StudioHercules and Red Demon met while hunting the same vampire in the rainforests of Brazil, and after nearly squaring off with each other they decided to team...

Megatoad Gobbles Up A 3-Pound Gummy Worm In 8 Minutes

Having a giant worm in your stomach is generally seen as a bad thing, but when you're competitive eater Matt "Megatoad" Stonie that giant worm represents an eating challenge you tore through like a boss. Matt devour...

Memorable Calls to the Butterball Hotline

The Butterball Turkey Talk-Line was launched 35 years ago for customers who have questions about turkey, specifically cooking one. In recent years, they've hired 50 trained experts to answer calls in November and Decembe...

The Origin Of Our Misguided Hatred Of Pigeons

Pigeons hang around our cities eating stuff off the sidewalks, pooping on statues and cars and people and generally just being an urban bird that has adapted to life in the concrete jungle.But for some reason city folk f...

The History of the Rubber Duck

I don't recall whether I had a rubber duck to play with in the bath when I was little, but I certainly took one to college with me -and found that college dorms do not have bathtubs. No matter, I kept that rubber duck an...

This Man and His Cat Recreate Famous Movie Scenes and It's Wonderful

When a man loves a kitty very, very much, sometimes he has to celebrate that love in strange ways -no, get your mind out of the gutter, it's not like that! David and Sarah (his human partner and photographer) are the peo...

Mr. Night Has a Day Off

What will Mr. Night do on his day off? Wander through the daylight and create mischief, of course! It's not really mischief to him, because this is what he does when he's on duty -at night.[

Angry Peacock At The Petting Zoo Charges In To A Photoshop Battle

(Image Link)Peacocks are absolutely beautiful birds, with a colorful tail full of fancy feathers meant to woo mates and mesmerize foes, but peacocks are great big jerks too.They'll come after you if you so much as look a...

An Oral History of the Double Dare Obstacle Course

If you were a kid any time between 1986 and 1993, chances are you watched the Nickelodeon game show Double Dare. Thirty years on, those viewers look back fondly at the show, and its most popular segment, the obs...

Behold the Stomach-Bursting Glory of the 20-Pound Gummi Turkey

Thanksgiving is great, but cooking is such a hassle -especially when you want a sweet treat and not a big pile of savory boringness prior to getting to eat pie.  If you want to bypass all the trouble and get to the...

Pop-Up Medical Thermometer Woes

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!A follow-up look at a promising technology, ten years onby Stephen...

Apathy Bear - Care Or Don't Care, Nobody Cares Anymore...

Apathy Bear by BRIKFor some reason Apathy Bear didn't really catch on with 80s kids, the generation who made those cute bears with sweet and friendly powers what they are today, but the toy company decided to give him a...

The Only Rational Response To Having A Spider In Your House

Do you think spiders know that some people find them to be utterly terrifying?It sure seems like it, since they love to appear out of nowhere when those timid souls are just sitting there minding their own business and h...

World Record Basketball Toss

These guys traveled all the way to Switzerland to throw basketballs. But it paid off when they landed a basket from 493 feet above and set a new world record! Australian trick shot artists Brett Stanford, Derek Herron, a...

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