Archive for November 10th, 2016

Behind the Scenes With Janis Joplin and Big Brother, Rehearsing for the Summer of Love

Bob Seidemann took photographs that graced the covers of some of the 1960s and '70s most iconic record albums. But when he was hanging with Janis Joplin and the rest of Big Brother and the Holding Company in San Francisc...

Chewbacca Speaks English

Wonderful bit of stuff from @jamieswb!!— Peter Mayhew (@TheWookieeRoars) November 5, 2016 Something you never thought about before, but it makes perfect sense: Chewbacca had his own li...

The Greatest Differences Between The Walking Dead Characters On TV And In The Comics

The Walking Dead began as a faithful adaptation of the comic book series but soon went in a completely different direction thanks to budget restrictions, fan input and the logistics of creating realistic zombie...

How the Rise of Mirrors Shaped Our Idea of the Individual

People have been looking at their own images in pools of water since there have been people, but you don't get a really good view that way. Polished metal was an improvement, then glass, but a really clear look at onesel...

iPoison - Taste The Evil

iPoison by daletheskaterPeople thought they were buying the cutting edge in computer technology when they brought home their new SnowApple laptop computers, but they were actually paying outrageous prices for a tas...

The Soothing Sound Of 14 Pitched Down Crying Babies

A baby's cry has a powerful effect on adults- some get annoyed and plug their ears, others have a more caring and maternal/paternal response, but either response proves a baby's cry is designed to get our attention.But o...

This Cat is a First-Rate First Mate

Cover cat IIA photo posted by Strauss von Skattebol (Skatty) (@straussvonskattebol) on Jul 4, 2016 at 1:15am PDT Paul J. Thompson is a small-craft marine architect and computer programmer in New Zealand. He spends h...

A Teenage Girl Sins To Lure A Serial Killer In Night Of The Slasher

Many horror movie monsters and slashers are actually acting as violent vigilantes, and the storylines firmly establish the victims as bad people who bring their fate upon themselves.These movies also typically include a...

10 of The Most Memorable Deaths On Grey’s Anatomy

My daughter was only seven years old when Grey's Anatomy premiered. Ten years later when she decided to go into the health care field, she started binge-watching the show and enjoyed it immensely. That showed me...

Laws You've Probably Broken Without Even Knowing It

Laws were seemingly made to be broken, and since new laws still can't effectively be relayed to all citizens every time they go into effect people often break laws without knowing it.For example- If you live in Californi...

Abraham Lincoln, Martial Arts Hero

We've seen (or at least head of) Abraham Lincoln as a vampire hunter, so why not make him into a Kung Fu master in the style of Bruce Lee? We heard he swung a great axe. And we've got plenty of existing movies about Abe...

Why Some People Can't See The Hidden Images In Magic Eye Pictures

Magic eye books and posters became trendy for a sec when they first came out in the mid-90s, and everyone was naturally fascinated with those strange static pictures only certain people could see.The images look like noi...

An Art Preservation Scheme: Back That Thang Up

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.Much like on our laptops a...

Oh Great, She's Here

If you're ever hosting a party and some jerk says "who invited that smelly beast?" when your dog comes walking into the room kick that person the hell out of your house immediately.Who invited the dog? Nobody, that's who...

The History of Butter

We've covered the history of margarine, but the development of real dairy butter goes back further than written records. When dairy farmers found that agitation separates the fat from the liquid in milk, the result was a...

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