We're in that one time of year that's just loaded with holidays -Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year's (just to name a few), but summers are a totally holiday drag. I don't know about you guys, but we wish holidays were more equally spread out throughout the year because we all need something to celebrate sometimes. That's why we support adding more holidays to the calendar and rather than taking the time and effort to make a new holidays, it's easier to just make fictional ones from television and movies into real holidays. This Zimbio article offers a good selection of fictional celebrations, so I say we start pulling a few dates from this list and make the rest of the year more festive already.
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Submissive is not a word found in their dictionary.
Nice to see that he is not eating the children!
She deserves much better than this.
If you honor your dog, if you care for your dog,
set her free.
Even if it was happy, do you think that it's a good thing the poor dog is chained on a short leach all day and is happy just because it might get to be fed or walked a little bit?
Very sad, but that's what comes of living in a world where we consider animals to be our property to do with as we wish.
you guys are stupid You don't know the
breed and you are making these asumptions!
My dogs does the same thing and he
is smiling and we live in Colorado not
Japan! Learn about the breed before you make
your assumptions!