Archive for November 6th, 2016

The Siberian Snowball Harvest

These large snowballs have been washing up on the shores of Nyda, in the Yamal Penninsula of eastern Russia. Some of them are as big as three feet in diameter! The locals say they've never seen anything like it.They resu...

Tooth Trouble

Parents present the concept of the Tooth Fairy to kids as a fun way to celebrate the loss of their baby teeth while adding another magical being to the pantheon of childhood gods.But if you think about it the Tooth Fairy...

The 5 Most Immortal Humans To Ever Walk The Earth

Cracked has the stories of men who refused to die under circumstances in which most would have succumbed. Whether it was luck, skills, or an inner toughness, we can't say. But just putting oneself into these various circ...

The Best Fictional Holidays of All Time

We're in that one time of year that's just loaded with holidays -Halloween, Veterans Day, Thanksgiving, Hanukkah, Christmas and New Year's (just to name a few), but summers are a totally holiday drag. I don't know about...

Pass the Butter Robot

In March of 2014, an episode of Rick and Morty called "Something Ricked This Way Comes" aired for the first time. Here is a memorable scene from that episode.[] (YouTube link)That poor little...

New Developments In The Disappearance Of Amelia Earhart

Amelia Earhart has captured the imagination of generations since her disappearance in 1937, but as much as her disappearance has added to her mystique it also left her tragic tale without resolution.So why haven't invest...

What Are You Thinking?

Many guys have tried to convince me that men can sit and think about absolutely nothing, that it's a fundamental difference between the sexes. Women can't stop thoughts from happening, so it's hard to believe that men ca...

Street Judge Trainee - Perps Jump Up To Get Beat Down

Street Judge Trainee by adho1982Most trainee cops don't like to announce they're becoming a law enforcement officer when they're off duty, in case the bad guys decide to take out their frustrations on the rookie. But it...

Get a Hug From Your Favorite Animal All Day Long

We love animals here at Neatorama, but the sad fact is that aside from the basic dogs and cats, you can't hug most critters. Thanks to Etsy seller MaryLouBangkok you can get the next best thing -a hug from your favorite...

Crayons for Grownups

Ryan Hunter (redditor yanray) is the co-author of the coloring book Coloring for Grownups. He also came up with these crayon colors for a contest. These are the colors you don't forget.  -via reddit crayon,...

True Stories Of The Real People Behind The Memes

Memes introduce us to people and critters via perfectly captionable pics, and even though we don't actually get to meet these meme stars online we can make them say whatever we want.But how much do we know about those or...

DIY Magnetic Putty

(Facebook link)We've shown you neat effects with ferrofluid and magnetic putty. Did you know you can make your own iron putty? This video makes it looks quite easy. Don't forget the magnets -that's where the fun beg...

Tolstoy Spoilers

Have you ever decided you're going to read a Tolstoy novel, and then were so intimidated by the book's size that you put it off for eternity? These spoilers might help. No, they won't motivate you to read the bo...

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