Halloween comes only once a year but it comes every year, and putting together new costumes and decorations on a yearly basis can cause your Halloween storage to overflow while your mind runs out of new ideas.
That's why Halloweenies have to find ways to eliminate the clutter by putting their old stuff to use, which will make Halloween even more of a DIY holiday!
In order to combat costume boredom and recycle Halloween past you can incorporate pieces of your old costumes, like skirts, capes, jackets, and hats, into a new costume. And if you're low on mixable pieces talk to your friends and family about making a swap.
But if you find yourself stuck with a bunch of costumes you'll never wear again it might be best to simply put them out to pasture- as yard decorations.
Halloween decorations made out of old costumes will look cool in your yard, cost you virtually nothing to make, and they'll stand up to the weather better than stuff made out of foam or paper.
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