If you want to sell a leather couch in Boston, there are worse ways of doing it. This Craigslist ad has since been deleted. I’d like to think that it was because someone bought it, but the ad itself is a work of art that should be preserved. Luckily it was.
Before purchasing this piece of furniture from me, please be aware of the following:
-The couch is very comfortable, and it will make you want to watch 12 hours of football on Saturdays and Sundays in the Fall. If you’re married, and a homeowner, divorce will probably be eminent as you will not complete any tasks on your Honey Do List. I accept no responsibility for this.
-Boston sports teams are undefeated in championship games when watched on a television in front of this couch. I know a good luck charm when I see one, and the fact of the matter is that the Bruins, Celtics, and Patriots would each have another championship if I had opted to stay home instead of watching the games at a bar.
-I’ve had several mutli-million dollar ideas strike me while on this couch. Granted I’ve been too lazy to implement them, but this couch will probably pay for itself within a week of sitting on it. I won’t be surprised if Harvard or MIT wants to buy it to help out their students that seem to be lacking inspiration.
But that’s not even the best part. The seller goes into detail about who has sat on the couch and the story of the guy who slept on it for an entire month. You might be able to guess who it is. Read the complete archived version of the ad (but with only one remaining picture).
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