Working at a fast food restaurant can be tough, demeaning and thankless, but that doesn't justify employees taking their frustrations out on a customer, especially when the victim of their bullying is a kid.
A teen was recently embarrassed by the staff at Wendy's, who referred to him as "Lil Ugly Dude" on his receipt and made fun of him, and when his mom heard about the incident she took to Facebook to vent.
Good Morning FBF this been bothering me all night. I took my son to Wendy's to get something to eat last night. He went inside to place his order, instead of the cashier being courtesy and ask my son what's his name to put on his ticket she took it upon herself to put on the bottom of his receipt Lil Ugly Dude. This is unacceptable and unprofessional. My child was so embarrassed and upset he said the whole store was laughing at him including the manager. I play about alot of things but my kids isn't one. My ghetto side was telling me to go back up there and let them have it. But I rather do it the right way.
This may sound trivial to most adults, but teens constantly struggle with self-esteem issues so having an entire staff laugh at them and call them ugly doesn't just sting- it leaves a scar.
The moral of the story? If you're gonna act the fool at work and make fun of a customer try not to leave a paper trail!
-Via Distractify
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Incidentally, the Facebook post has been deleted. Make of that what you will.