The Pho Burrito Is The Apex Of Asian-Mexican Fusion Cuisine

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Pho has gone from being that dish people have heard great things about but can't seem to pronounce to a nationwide sensation, but well before pho was famous the burrito was el rey.

And considering Latino and Vietnamese communities are often found in the same part of town in the U.S. it's surprising it took so long for the Pho Burrito to appear.

But apparently the culinary world was waiting for Komodo's head chef Erwin Tjahyadi to stroll bravely into the kitchen and combine the two taste sensations into one scrumptious creation.

Here's what goes in to a Pho Burrito:

al dente rice noodles, basil, hoisin, sriracha sauce, sauteed onions, jalapeño, and thin, tender slices of ribeye beef lightly poached in a traditional pho broth.

All it's missing is a side of plum sauce salsa and an horchata Thai tea with boba!

-Via Munchies

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