Bizarre and Scientology go together like Hare Krishnas and tambourines, but if you think Tom Cruise and John Travolta were better off after they joined the Church of Scientology then you won't like the rest of this post.
Because we're gonna gaze at the ridiculous engram-implanting images found in the 1994 Scientology Handbook and have a good laugh, which is the only sane reaction to these pics when they're viewed out of context.
I'm sure there's a simple, or overly complicated and super sci-fi, explanation for each image contained in the Scientology Handbook, but we don't have the time or money needed to fully understand these "truths".
So we'll just continue to imagine what the hell these images mean, and since imagination is a key component of Scientology that's sorta like being a full-fledged member of the Church, right? *wink*
See 20 Utterly Bizarre Images From A 1994 Scientology Handbook That Will Numb Your Mind here
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