On the last weekend in September, thousands of people gathered in the desert near California City to celebrate the post-apocalyptic world of Mad Max. Wasteland Weekend started out as a Mad Max theme party in 2006, and has burgeoned every year into a full festival.
Here’s a pretty simple recipe: Take everything we liked about Mad Max (which is basically everything — except the pain, death, and sex slavery), and mix it with everything we like about Burning Man (which is a lot of things — minus the crowds, snobby rich people, and maybe the over-emphasis on vegan living). And…Violá!
Just like that you have the Wasteland Weekend. It’s gritty like Mad Max, accepting like Burning Man, and dusty as hell like both. It’s also got rusted out muscle cars that have been modified to make noise and haul ass. If that doesn’t sound like fun, then we can’t help you.
See a collection of pictures from Wasteland Weekend at Uproxx, and more at the festival site.