Archive for October 5th, 2016

Some Of The Most Beautiful Homes On TV

Most television shows are shot on a set built to replicate the appearance of an interior space, but they almost always start with an exterior shot to set the mood of the show and tell the audience where it takes place.Th...

14 Facts About Monty Python's Flying Circus

Graham Chapman, John Cleese, Eric Idle, Terry Jones, Michael Palin, and Terry Gilliam joined forces to create a comedy troupe. In October of 1969 they debuted the TV show Monty Python’s Flying Circus on Br...

Why Americans Don't Use Bidets

Ask anyone who has used a bidet and they'll tell you it's an experience that will change the way you think about going to the bathroom, especially in terms of toilet paper usage.And yet bidets never caught on here in the...

The Eye of a Hurricane Illustrated in Data

These readings were recorded by NOAA’s data buoy 42058 in the Caribbean as hurricane Matthew passed directly over it. The dramatic drop in wind speed and air pressure shows exactly when the eye of the hurricane was...

Why We Play Difficult Video Games

Most gamers start out playing video games purely for the fun of it, wanting nothing more than to experience a new form of interactive entertainment that amazes us when we're kids.But there comes a time when we start usin...

44 Fun Facts about Birds

[] (YouTube link)There are about 10,000 species of birds, ranging from delicious chicken to towering ostriches, from flightless penguins to regal eagles. They include raptors, scavengers, poul...

Cat Ash is Still Groovy

Well, at least this guy has an excuse when he messes up the "Klaatu Verata Necto" neccessary to pick up the Necronomicon -after all, he doesn't even speak English. This amazing Ash Vs. Evil Dead catplay was brought to yo...

Rare Salvador Dali Surrealist Cookbook Republished for the First Time in over 40 Years

Did you know Salvador Dali authored a cookbook? Les Diners de Gala was published one time in 1973, and has been out of print since then. The book is full of Dali’s surrealist illustrations. It has unusual...

See The Process Of Creating Black Panther's CGI Costume

Fans were mighty impressed with Black Panther's first appearance in Captain America: Civil War, and now they're hoping to see more of the King of Wakanda in future movies and maybe in his own TV show.But many viewers had...

Homiechu - Gotta Catch That Duff Stealing Rat!

Homiechu by C. "Bees" M.There's one elusive species of pocket monster you're never going to find while you're out catching 'em all, that is, unless you live near the nuclear power plant in Springfield. It's called the H...

Ancient Cannabis 'Burial Shroud' Discovered

An ancient burial site in northwest Chin ahas yielded some surprising discoveries. A team led by archaeologist Hongen Jiang are analyzing a grave that contained a 35-year-old man with Caucasian features who was buried ov...

100 Years Of Fashion Revolutions

Many innovations in style, textiles and clothing manufacturing happened during the 20th century, perhaps more than any other century before, making clothes more than just a necessity.People began buying clothes "just bec...

Burn After Reading

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.Controversial literature t...

How Ed Gein Inspired Classic Horror Movies

You remember Psycho, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and Silence of the Lambs: all classic horror movies from different decades. All terrifying in their own way. Another thing they all have in common is th...

Pies Are Awesome

Who's ready to dig in like an Alabama tick? . (By the way, his dreads aren't burnt, that's a food colouring and vanilla wash) . #predator #pie-redator . #geekprideday #piesareawesome #thepieous #pie #ilovepie #piecr...

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