Archive for October 4th, 2016

Easy Dollar Store Halloween Decoration DIY Projects

Halloween is a great time to show off your artsy side, and crafty folks know the place to go when they want some cheap stuff to upcycle/repurpose- the Dollar Store.Stuff that costs around a buck can be made to look like...

Strummin' on the Old Banjo: How an African Instrument Got a Racist Reinvention

You might not know it, but the banjo came from Africa. Several African nations have a traditional stringed instrument with resonance provided by a stretched animal skin. Slaves captured in those nations remembered those...

The Fastest Man Alive

The Flash is the fastest man alive, and even though Superman tries to compete Flash is still faster than the Man of Steel will ever be, which is fine with Supes because it gives him more time to work on his pranks!This c...

Brainstorming Session

A movie Director, A writer for Marvel, and a Manga writer collaborate on an empowering female protagonist.— HistorocityoNazareth (@ILLCapitano94) October 2, 2016 (video link)How do...

Sketchy Video Game Kickstarters That Made People Lose Faith In Crowdfunding

Kickstarter has proven to be a great resource for inventors and creators, helping them establish a presence online and bring their vision to life through crowdfunding.But I've never backed a video game campaign because o...

Necromancy - Even The Dead Find Her Enchanting

Necromancy by MadavayliaAs soon as the temperature starts to drop and the leaves start falling off the trees our minds turn to thoughts of the spookiest holiday of the year- All Hallow's Eve. But for some this is merely...

Home with a Bonus

Here’s a house for sale on Sutton Road in Terrington St. Clement in Norfolk, UK. It’s pretty nondescript for the area, although Americans would see it as “historic.” Looking through the pictures,...

The Black Sabbath Born Again Demos That Totally Smoke The Album Versions

Heavy metal as we know it would not exist if not for Black Sabbath, because they set the standard for the horror movie theatrics, spooky hard rock sound and clothes worn by metal bands for decades to come.Pretty much eve...

11 Hidden Spots to Enter the Underworld

There are plenty of places you can visit that are named as portals to Hades for one reason or another. It could be that they are really scary, or have a legend behind them, or someone thought that title would be good for...

When Your Pet Kangaroo Is Your Best Friend

Australians don't generally think of the kangaroo as a good pet, and many consider them to be pests and/or delicious when barbecued, depending on who you ask.But hunky Australian and social media entertainer Jackson O'Do...

The Harbin Opera House

China has some amazing new buildings that are meant to serve a huge population and create a distinctive skyline at the same time. Oh yeah, every municipal government wants to be recognized as easily as Sydney. Just look...

Do Not Drill A Hole In Your New iPhone -This Should Be Obvious

A lot of people were upset when they heard the newest iPhone doesn't have a headphone jack and while that might be bothersome if you like plain old wired headphones, it should go without saying that you probably shouldn'...

Ig® Nobel Limericks: Doll, Kansas, Wasabi

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Ig Nobel Achievements distilled into limerick formby Martin Eiger,...

Gut Feeling

We are aware of the ongoing struggle between the heart and the brain, but there are other organs that can throw a wrench into our perception of the world around us. Heart and Brain are discussing the morning news when Bo...

The Literal Hell of McMansions

A couple of months ago, we introduced you to the blog McMansion Hell, which now goes by the name Worst of McMansions. The blogger is an architect who explains the various sins of McMansion design and how they offend our...

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