This Famous Fat Cat Received A Statue in His Honor

Even if you never visited Istanbul, you probably have seen tons of pictures of him relaxing on benches and sidewalks throughout the town. No one knows if this lazy cat had a home of his own, but everyone in the neighborhood loved him and kept him well fed (obviously).

Sadly, Tombili (meaning "Chubbel" according to Google translate) became famous late in his life and passed away from an unknown illness in August. In his memory though, a petition started spreading online asking the city to errect a statue in Tombili's honor. The statue will be officially unveiled on October 4, but as you can see, it's already looking lazy and chill -just the way Tombili would have wanted it.

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I think you are correct. But looking at the statue I don't think the artist did his face much good. I would have wanted the face to be more 'realistic' looking. As it is, it's just a caricature of any sort of cat. IMO, a bit more care and expertise in it's face would be so much better than it is right now. Just looking at photos of this handsome feline one gets a certain 'c'attitude about it. Sorry. I am an artist so I tend to view things with a critical eye.
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Well, the statue will be nice but looking at an actual photo next to the statue the artist left out quite some stomach heft this majestic kitty created and earned in his lifetime. Why try to 'slim' him down when you are attempting to 'honor' him? He was a - YES! I WILL SAY IT!!!- FAT CAT!!!!!!!! and, undoubtedly, proud of it.
Rainbow bridge has a new cat to greet.
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