Archive for September 29th, 2016

The People Who Slowly Turn to Bone

Stone Man Syndrome is a very rare condition in which a person’s tissues turn to bone. Rather, when the body tries to repair anything, it uses bone tissue, even when that's not appropriate. The disease is so rare th...

Nyarlathotep - Can I Play With Crawling Chaos?

Nyarlathotep by AzhmodaiYou know what they say- the harder a god's name is to pronounce the more messed up and wicked the god, which is why Nyarlathotep has such a fearsome reputation. But truth be told Nyarla isn't suc...

Guys Taste Test A $4 Burger And A $777 Burger To See How They Measure Up

Foodies are paying a fortune these days for basic burgers they believe to be "gourmet" because they're made with upscale ingredients that make them worth the inflated price.But just because your $777 burger has lobster,...


This is how I operate when I’ve got a feature article deadline looming. The more I think about it, the more I remember the email, the dishes, the garbage, the bill that needs to be paid, and the nap I really need....

Meet The World's Tallest Teenager

Some kids don't get their growth spurts until high school, and a rare few don't have a growth spurt until college, but Broc Brown, the world's tallest teenager, was practically born taller than his peers.In kindergarten...

Animated Indiana Jones Fan Film

Animator and lifelong Indiana Jones fan Patrick Schoenmaker produced an opening sequence for an Indiana Jones TV series. The only problem is that there is no animated Indiana Jones TV series. At least not yet.[https://yo...

Debunking the Myth of the ‘Real’ Robinson Crusoe

Daniel Defoe published his book Robinson Crusoe in 1719, at a time when stories of shipwrecks, pirates, and castaways were hot, and there were plenty of narratives available. His book survived better than other...

Photo Series Reveals How Our Facial Expressions Change When We Get Undressed

Societal standards state we must wear clothing when we're out in public, and this standard of decency has made some feel self conscious about their naked bodies, or at least when they're naked around other people.This nu...

Which Restroom?

The international symbols for restrooms in the UK can be confusing. Should he use the restroom for people wearing pants, or the one for people with one leg? Maybe he should get a kilt to be sure! This Vine is from Josh S...

Life Hacks For Flaky People

Life hacks can help you improve your organizational skills and teach you easier ways to do things, but they can't turn a slacker or a flake into a punctual and reliable person.However, with a little social life hackery y...

Tiny Lasagna

Watch this guy, or his fingertips, prepare the tiniest lasagna you ever saw! He boils the pasta, browns the beef, grates and mixes the cheese, and then layers it all in a matchbox-sized baking pan.[

The World's Strongest Cup of Coffee

Some people can't wake up without a cup of coffee and for some people, a whole pot of coffee is neccessary. If you just can't get enough caffeine, you might want to head to The Viscous Cafe in Australia, where you c...

An Essay on the Greatness of Gilligan's Island

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook. Gilligan's Island, which premiered on CBS on Se...

Yzrey And Chewy Smash - The Unlikeliest Mashup Of Them All

Yzrey and Chewy Smash by CharamathThe where and how and why isn't important, but somewhere, somehow and for some reason Chewie the Wookiee and Yzma the sorceress wound up traveling across the galaxy together in search o...

The Most Powerful Superheroes Who Refuse To Use Their Full Power

Readers often wonder why characters who are nigh invulnerable, like Superman, Zatanna or Spider-Man, would allow themselves to be whomped on rather than unleash their full power.This question is generally answered with a...

70 Bizarre Facts about Historical Figures

[] (YouTube link)Biography has always been my favorite kind of literature, because real lives can be infinitely more interesting than fiction. You can always find something odd and interesting...

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