Archive for September 12th, 2016

D.C. Will Hide Banned Books Around the City

September is banned books month and in celebration of all the great banned books that later were recognized as classics, the Washington D.C. library set up quite a clever scavenger hunt. Hidden in businesses around the c...

The Marvel Symphonic Universe

Everyone knows the Star Wars theme. Fans can hum the tunes from the Harry Potter movies and the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Can you remember the theme song to any of the Marvel superhero moves?...

Earth’s Temperature Timeline

Every month, we see the same headlines: the hottest May, June, July on record. Altogether, 2016 is on track to be the hottest year ever recorded. Those who argue against man-made climate change say that the earth has gon...

Maru Gets a Swing

You have to be pretty special to get a real swing inside your home. Maru is a world-famous celebrity cat, and he got one! But cats aren’t normally swingers, so this new contraption presented quite a puzzle to him....

No Playing Star Wars

Getting kids to stop playing Star Wars after watching the movies is like getting them to stop making messes or breaking stuff, in other words impossible.And when they see those cute little critters pretending to...

Look for the Dots!

Can you see the 12 black spots outlined in white in this picture? All at once? It’s almost impossible to see them all at once on your first try. You can zip from one to another, but seeing them all at once will tak...

Poisonous Tandem - Toxic Double Trouble

Poisonous Tandem by shodenYou have to be careful when you're out hunting pocket monsters or you may end up with a poke ball full of poison! Maybe that's what you want, which is fine if you want to play dirty, or maybe y...

Kids Taste Test 100 Years Of Brown Bag Lunches

Kids have been bringing brown bag lunches to school for at least the last hundred years, and even though the overall contents have stayed the same the individual parts have changed dramatically.A brown bag lunch typicall...

Why Do People Knock On Wood For Luck?

Knocking on wood is one of those superstitious practices that can quickly become a compulsion, as we constantly find situations arise where we could use a bit of luck.The origin of this superstition isn't clear- some bel...

100 Of The Best Man Cave Ideas

Family life is wonderful, but it’s also wonderful when each person in a family can have a space for themselves, to do with what they will. For the man of the house, that retreat space is often called a man cave, wh...

The Time Alice Cooper Appeared On Gene Wilder's Sitcom

Alice Cooper and Gene Wilder don't seem like they have much in common aside from the fact that they both became superstars in the 70s.But back in the mid-90s this unlikely duo appeared together in Wilder's sitcom Som...

Jimsonweed and Jamestown

The following article is from the book Uncle John’s Bathroom Reader Attack of the Factoids.GETTING CRAZY WITH LOCOWEED Jimsonweed, sometimes called “locoweed,” is a scary drug...

Amazing Hyperlapse Video Showcasing Art Installations At Burning Man 2016

The Burning Man scene may have gone from edgy and artsy outsiders to rich kids and celebs, but one thing is just as good as it ever was- the art installations.All the art installations peppered throughout the Burning Man...

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