Archive for September 1st, 2016

The Life And Times Of Iconic People Summed Up In Six Words

(Image Link)Famous people often have a lot going on in their lives, their days jam packed with really important things to do, but at the end of it all their busy lives are summed up in a paragraph or two.(Image Link)Actu...

Collecting 7Up's Most Beautiful, Hallucinatory Billboards

In the late 1960s, the 7Up brand was about to go belly up when a unique ad campaign turned it around and made 7Up cool again. The J. Walter Thompson ad agency decided 7Up would be the “UnCola,” and trippy hip...

Guy Asks Mom To Describe Overwatch Characters Based On Their Looks

Blizzard has made a big impression on the multiplayer community once again with Overwatch, a squad-based game that's every bit as nice to look at as it is to play.The characters in Overwatch are designe...

How Do Animals See in the Dark?

When humans go out in the dark, it’s just dark, and we have trouble seeing anything. But for night creatures: cats, toads, insects, tarsiers, etc. that’s when they are out hunting, and they must see what they...

You Never Know When Pawn Stars Memes Are Gonna Come Through That Door

(Image Link)According to Rick Harrison working in a pawn shop means never knowing what's gonna come through that door, and as anyone who has watched Pawn Stars knows people try to sell him some pretty strange st...

10 Gorgeous Hotels Owned by Celebrities

The thing about fame and fortune is that it can be fleeting. Athletes can count on having to retire earlier than most people, and an actor’s career is precarious from the beginning. Savvy celebrities invest their m...

French Fry Toppings From Around the World

You probably know Americans love ketchup on their fries and the French love to dip theirs in mayonnaise, but did you know that San Diegians love to top theirs with cheese, guacamole and carne asada? Or that fries in Viet...

100 Years of Shoes

The latest in Mode’s 100 Years of Fashion series shows us shoes. Lots of shoes. All high heel dress shoes.[] (YouTube link)While there’s no doubt they’ve gotten more comforta...

Eat Them All - Go Forth And Devour The Competition

Eat them all by salvatraneKirby is constantly being mistaken for a pocket monster, which drives him up the wall considering they're simply captives and sidekicks and he's the star of his own series. But instead of getti...

It's Batty How Different This Pooch Looks

Tucker may not realize he's different from other dogs, but he suffers from MPS VI, a rare disease that causes a number of medical issues as well as certain deformities. Those deformities look different on everyone w...

Hot Dog! 23 Hot Dog-related Facts

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.1. Americans consume 16 billion hot dogs annually.2. Americans eat 150,000,000 h...

Can You Tell a Wild Cat from a Pet Cat?

The BBC has a quiz that will determine how well you know wild cat species. Oh sure, everyone knows lions and tigers and cougars, but the world is full of smaller and more obscure wild cat species. The good news is that t...

The Simple Solution to Traffic

CGP Grey talks about traffic, specifically, what causes traffic jams when you can see no apparent cause, and what we can do about them. This seems like common sense to me, and his solution is something I’ve driven...

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