A great movie monster will quickly become a favorite among horror movie fans, but a cheesy, low budget wreck of a monster will become a legend, for entirely diffent reasons, of course.
Jason embodies the spirit of a serial killer, Freddy Krueger creatively kills people in their dreams, and Leatherface wears a skin mask, wields a chainsaw and comes from a crazy cannibal family.
It's easy to see their appeal as movie monsters, but how the hell is a haunted spa or demonic refrigerator going to track their victims down, much less terrify an audience?
Stray cats are only scary to the young and the elderly, a disembodied hand is only scary if you can't find a bag to toss it in, and flesh eating slugs are only scary if you don't have any salt in your house.
But I will admit there's one entry on Cracked's The 7 Most Half-Assed Monsters In Movie History that sent chills down my spine- the Wereturkey in Blood Freak.
Now that beaky bastard will haunt your dreams, especially around Thanksgiving...
Besides that: holy moley! A Cracked article on one page!