(Image via cynicalprickk)
Photoshop battles begin with a wide range of source images, from those that look like they were made to be 'shopped to those which require a bit of abstract thinking to make work.
(Image via nvaus)
In the case of “grandma shooing a cat” the image can go both ways, because it's easy enough to cut her and the cat out, but hard to place in the proper environment.
(Image via QuinineGlow)
We know the old gal is tough and scrappy, so it's easy to imagine her throwing down with "The Greatest"
(Image via TheBlazingPhoenix)
But her pose, and the way she wields that branch like a foil, makes me think grandma may have a background in fencing.
(Image via shxwn)
See Grandma Shooing Away Cat Is The Latest Photoshop Extravaganza here