Archive for August 25th, 2016

400 Years of Equator Hazings

The subject of crossing the equator came up in a discussion of the Rio Olympics, and we all slightly recalled that you had to go through some kind of ritual, but no one could recall what they heard it was. We figured it...

Hilarious Photo Fails Taken At Disney Parks

(Image Link)Visitors are understandably disappointed when they make the trip to the Magic Kingdom in Anaheim or Orlando and end up having a crappy day, but a theme park trip shouldn't be ruined by a bad photo alone.(Imag...

John Lennon’s First Acid Trip

In the spring of 1965, dentist John Riley slipped LSD into after dinner tea for John Lennon, George Harrison, and their wives Cynthia and Patti. John Lennon later recalled the experience in a radio interview, which becam...

Seven Of The Crappiest Monsters In Horror Movie History

A great movie monster will quickly become a favorite among horror movie fans, but a cheesy, low budget wreck of a monster will become a legend, for entirely diffent reasons, of course.Jason embodies the spirit of a seria...

The Best 100 Films of the 21st Century

It might seem a little premature to be ranking the films of the century, but there’s nothing wrong with ranking the films of the past 16 years. A list at BBC Culture used the input of 177 movie critics from 36 coun...

Grandma Shooing Away Cat Becomes Star Of Photoshop Battle

(Image via cynicalprickk)Photoshop battles begin with a wide range of source images, from those that look like they were made to be 'shopped to those which require a bit of abstract thinking to make work.(Image via nvaus...

Free Bear Hugs

Comedian and prankster Stuart Edge (previously at Neatorama) bought a couple of big bears from Costco and used one as a bear costume. That’s a great opportunity to go out and offer free bear hugs![

Baby Eleven Dreams of Waffles

Instagram user @lauraiz likes to have a little fun with her baby, Joey -and I can't blame her, this baby makes a heck of a fashion model and an incredible Eleven from Stranger Things. Of course, he also mak...

Guess Who Died?! - Don't You Hate It When The Game Stretches On All Summer Long?

Guess Who Died?! by Punksthetic & StationjackLet's play America's favorite TV game show- Guess Who Died?! You know the rules- our pal Negan has been busy whacking away at survivors with Lucille, and it's your job to...

20 Things You Didn’t Know about Betty White

Depending on your age, you might recall Betty White from The Mary Tyler Moore Show, The Golden Girls, or Hot in Cleveland. However, the 94-year-old actress had a long list of television credits before a...

Guy Makes An Axe Handle Out Of Gummy Bears

Gummy candy lovers can't get enough of those rubbery little treats, their vibrant colors and whimsical shapes enough to brighten up even the greyest day.Unfortunately, we can't gobble up gummies all day long or we may be...

Whatever Happened to Pay Toilets?

Neatorama presents a guest post from actor, comedian, and voiceover artist Eddie Deezen. Visit Eddie at his website or at Facebook.(Image credit: Flickr user Michelle Kinsey Bruns)Going to the bathroom might be...

Detroit: The New City of American Horror

In the past few years, filmmakers have set up shop in Detroit to film horror flicks. Where else can you find huge empty buildings, run-down homes you can buy for a pittance, and overgrown fields? Justine Smith looks at h...

Selfie Cat

Welcome to the world of competitive social media. Victoire is obsessed with her selfies and how popular they are. But look! Roxy is doing better, because she took a selfie with a cat! What Victoire needs is a better*...

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