Many articles and comics you see posted online would have you believe the world is divided into two camps- extroverts and introverts.
But I constantly find myself sitting square in the middle of the two worlds, happy to go out and celebrate life with friends one day then homebound and dreading human interaction the next.
So, in order to better understand these two halves of my whole, I like to read about what makes an introvert or extrovert tick, hoping to merge the two into a nice, normal version of me.
Which is why I found Dr. Carmella's Guide To Understanding The Introverted by RomanJones so enlightening, because his hamster ball theory is spot on and easy to describe to your fellow introverts.
So next time you feel like human interaction is leeching all of your energy you'll know why, and those who don't fall on the introvert side of the spectrum will know how to properly deal with their "reclusive" friends and family members.
-Via Co.Create
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