The Simplest Way To Break Out Of Zip Ties

Zip ties are supposedly some of the hardest restraints to escape from, which is why cops and security personnel around the world use them to catch perps in the field.

But cops aren't the only ones who use zip ties to restrain- scumbags and criminals do too, and knowing how to easily and safely break out of zip ties could be a life saver some day.

So watch this video by Daily Mail and learn how to free yourself from that little plastic band in a snap!

So all it takes is a strong, direct motion to snap zip ties in half, I wonder if there are stronger grades of zip ties that are more resistant to snapping?

-Via Daily Mail

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Newest 4 Comments

Not quite buying this as what's used are standard ties designed for light duty. Would like to see it done with the zip ties most police use as they're 2-3 times wider AND with one's hands zipped behind their back.
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