Archive for August 10th, 2016

Why Batman's Plan For The Justice League Makes No Sense

Bruce Wayne is out recruiting superheroes for the Justice League. But first, he has to identify superheroes and find them, at least, according to the trailer for the upcoming movie. But who made him an expert in that?[ht...

Freeza The Destroyer! - All The Horrible Stories You've Heard Are True

Freeza the Destroyer! by ALIENBIKER23Of all the super buff aliens sailing around the galaxy in search of dragon balls Frieza is by far the worst, because he is fueled by hatred and derives pleasure from the misery of the...

Duchess Managed to Turn a Broken Jaw Into an Epic Smile

Duchess was a stray cat that was hit by a car in Texas and brought into the Adobe Animal Hospital. Her broken jaw and status as a stray would have been enough to make most shelters put her down, but this c...

Jupiter Does Not Orbit the Sun, Technically

While Jupiter does revolve around in an oval-shaped orbit, just like the rest of the planets, the central point of that orbit is not the sun. Jupiter throws its weight around in the solar system, affecting the sun itself...

Macaulay Culkin Gives His First Major Interview In 10 Years

There have been lots of rumors floating around about Macaulay Culkin since he gave up acting as a young man and became legally emancipated from his parents at 14 since they were trying to jack his $17 million.People have...

10 Unsolved Mysteries You’ve Probably Never Heard Of

No matter how many mysterious stories from history you hear about, there are always more to discover. Some events remain mysterious because of a lack of witnesses. Others give us facts that don’t add up. And of cou...

The 1st Day Of Work Vs. The 101st

The first day of a new job feels pretty much the same for everyone- exciting, nerve-wracking, and slightly surreal, with lots of note taking and learning of the ropes.But, as this comic by Karina Farek show us, by the 10...

39 Facts about the Olympics

[] (YouTube link)No matter how many stories we tell, there’s always more to learn about the Olympics. After all, they’ve been happening for 120 years, and that’s just the mod...

A Flowchart That Shows You How To Catch 'Em All In Pokemon GO

You probably see stories about people hunting, catching and training Pokemon on a daily basis, and yet you may still be completely lost when it comes to how it's done.So what better way to clue you in to the Pokemon GO g...

The 10 Most Expensive Coffees in the World

On any list of expensive coffee, you would expect to see Kopi Luwak there, and it is, but it’s not number one. And civet cats are not the only animal that coffee producers gather poop from. That said, the other cof...

The Simplest Way To Break Out Of Zip Ties

Zip ties are supposedly some of the hardest restraints to escape from, which is why cops and security personnel around the world use them to catch perps in the field.But cops aren't the only ones who use zip ties to rest...

Bride Learns to Walk Again

Jaquie broke her spine in an accident eight years ago. She’s been working to walk again for years, but ramped up her physical therapy in the past year so she could walk down the aisle at her wedding and dance at th...

The Defender - Form Blazing Sword!

The Defender by inkOne ArtIf the galaxy didn't need defending all the time then life would be boring and mecha free, but thanks to the never-ending efforts of the forces of evil humanoids across the universe need help f...

If Video Games Were Ten Percent More Realistic

Many people play video games as an escape from their real lives, an immersive way to think about something or somewhere else for a while and explore a whole new (albeit virtual) world.Which is why realistic games like *e...

Am I the Walrus? Obscure Beatles Stories

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.From the Peruvian band tha...

You'll Never Dine Alone At The Kirby Cafe

There's a little pink puffball named Kirby who literally inhales his food, and his enemies, a cute yet strange little protagonist who first captured the imagination of gamers in Kirby's Dream Land back in 1992.K...

Going Through This Again

It’s a known fact that parents hate the cartoon Calliou because the title character is an unpleasant brat who whines and throws temper tantrums. My kids never watched the show, because I had already heard...

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