Growing up is such a gradual process that it’s hard to know when you are officially an adult. One way to mark that occasion is when your family accepts you as an adult -and believe me, that’s not easy for parents to do. There’s a comment thread at Fark in which people are sharing their stories of the time they were finally included with the family adults. Sometimes this meant getting to sit at the “adult table” at family gatherings, or when they were memorably included in an adult conversation. ModeratelyProfane had a great story.
Christmas Break, Sophomore year in college. I wasn't able to come to Granny and Grandpa's Christmas dinner my freshman because I had to work. I'd been seated at the grown-ups table since I was 15, but this was the first time I was invited back to Grandpa's offices for an after dinner drink.
Grandpa wasn't much of a drinker, but when he did, he drank the good stuff. He had a 30 year old of Scotch squirreled away in his desk, and poured My dad, my uncles and I a glass. Then he lead us in a short toast to loved ones not present, and raised his glass.
Being a 20 year old kid, with little experience with the good stuff, I threw it back like a shot of whiskey.
Next thing I know, I'm getting side-eye smirks from my Dad and both my uncles. and Grandpa, fighting off a chuckle says. "What have they been teachin' you at that college, boy?"
Then he poured me another and showed me how to enjoy a good single malt.
Other memorable stories include GRCooper’s experience with the CIA, and acad1228’s fishing tale, but the whole thread is worth perusing. Do you have a memory about the first time your family considered you enough of an adult to be included in their grown-up activities?
(Image credit: Flickr user GizmoDoc)