Archive for August 7th, 2016

Unusual Uses For Lonely Single Socks

It seems inevitable that we'll end up losing a few socks here and there during our lifetimes, and then we're left with that poor little single sock who is now of no use to our feet.But instead of mourning the loss of one...

What Makes a Movie Scary?

Let’s look at the art of making a scary movie scene, from the point of view of the filmmaker. The following contains spoilers for one scene of the new movie Lights Out, although you probably saw it already...

David Cross Answers Questions While Eating Brutally Spicy Chicken Wings

David Cross is a brave man, not just because he was in the Chipmunks movies but because he had the strength to talk trash about those crappy kids movies knowing it might mean no more crappy movie offers for him....

Becoming an Adult to Your Family

Growing up is such a gradual process that it’s hard to know when you are officially an adult. One way to mark that occasion is when your family accepts you as an adult -and believe me, that’s not easy for par...

This Year's Random Thing You Have To Eat To Be Healthy

Each year a bunch of so-called health experts roll out their picks for the healthy foods we're now supposed to eat instead of last year's healthy list. And where do these so-called experts get this healthful information?...

From Syria to Rio 2016

Eighteen-year-old swimmer Yusra Mardini was on track to become part of Syria’s Olympic team until civil war tore her country apart. A year ago, she and her sister Sarah left Syria through Lebanon and Turkey. They b...

Things You're Not Allowed To Do Inside Disney Parks

When you visit those Magic Kingdoms Disney built you expect to have a safe, immersive and enjoyable experience in a controlled environment where the worst you'll have to deal with are the long lines.And aside from the ra...

27 Ways to Call a Cat

When an American calls a cat, he usually says “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty!” and the cat will come if 1. he recognizes the voice, and 2. if he believes that responding will be worth the effort. That’s tru...

Stray Dog Adopts Human While He's Running In A 155-Mile Long Race

Dogs can be extremely strong willed animals, and sometimes they randomly choose a human to be their master and won't take no for an answer- even if that human is in the middle of running a marathon.But when little Gobi s...

The Perseid Meteor Shower Could Be Spectacular This Year

The annual Perseid meteor shower is scheduled to peak on the nights of August 11th and 12th (Thursday and Friday). Normally, with the right conditions you can see up to 60 shooting stars every hour, but there’s a p...

Mr. Shredd - The Cereal That Won't Splinter In Your Mouth!

Mr. Shredd by NinjainkPlease disregard the strange yellow bald man we call Mr. Sparkle and look instead at this shiny head man we call Mr. Shredd! He is the newest product mascot to take Japan by storm, and when boxes o...

How to Tell a Crocodile from an Alligator

I used to think that crocodiles were found in the Eastern Hemisphere and alligators live in the Western Hemisphere, but that’s totally not right -you hear about both of them all over the world. If you’ve foun...

Surprising Realities Of South Korea's Gaming Crazy Culture

No country on the planet takes gaming as seriously as South Korea, where video game addiction has become so bad the government was forced to institute gaming laws to save the lives of their young gamers.Gamers in South K...

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