20 Things You Didn’t Know about Jimmy Fallon

The Tonight Show is the world’s longest-running talk show, and has only had six hosts since it debuted in 1954. You may have grown up with Johnny Carson or Jay Leno, but since 2014, the host is Jimmy Fallon. Here’s some background on the 21st-century comedian.

1. At the end of his eighth grade yearbook, Jimmy Fallon’s teacher listed her predictions of what would become of her students. For Jimmy Fallon, she wrote this line, “James Fallon will replace David Letterman on the Late Night Show.” Apparently, Jimmy Fallon was destined to become a famous celebrity comedian, even at a young age.  Seriously, how many of these predictions have ever come true in the history of the world?  This one’s awfully impressive.

2. Jimmy Fallon inspired Ben & Jerry to create his own ice cream flavor. Upon the completion of his first season of the Tonight Show, Ben & Jerry revealed The Tonight Dough as an act of celebration. Jimmy Fallon’s face is featured on the ice cream carton and all proceeds from this special ice cream flavor go to charity. The ice cream consists of caramel and chocolate ice cream, swirls of chocolate cookie, peanut butter cookie dough, and chocolate chip cookie dough.

And those are just the first of 20 things to learn about Jimmy Fallon at Money Inc.   

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