Craigslist always has its share of craziness, and Portland, Oregon, has the slogan “Keep Portland Weird.” So the Craigslist ads in Portland are bound to have some gems among them. Like this ad for a “haunted couch.”
This Haunted Couch looks to be in pretty good shape, except for the “malevolent force” that resides in it. The couch was originally picked up at a yard sale, and to the new owner’s horror, it had a strange effect on Gunther, the pet cat. Apparently this “couch contained a dislocated spirit that inhabits — and ultimately devours — an Animal host.” The poster also shows a “shocking” picture of the couch with human hands clawing out from the one of the cushions. It’s only $25, so it’s a bargain. Whether the ad is serious or a prank setup to make folks want to buy the item, the ad certainly grabs the reader’s attention.
Putting some imagination in your ads is always a good thing, but other ads from Portland are weird because of the items or services they offer. Check out 10 of the Craziest Craigslist Portland Ads at Housely.