This ad appeared in the January 1912 issue of Casket and Sunnyside magazine, a trade publication for funeral professionals. A commenter at Weird Universe tells us more about the magazine.
From an article on the 1988 demise of Casket and Sunnyside [bad pun warning]:
It would be easy to cite Casket and Sunnyside's closing after 117 years as the failure of its editors to think "outside the box." But according to a former competitor in the funeral magazine business, C&S was "stiff competition" indeed. Unfortunately, bad business decisions and indifferent owners caused the esteemed magazine's 50-year-long downward spiral.
C&S first started publishing in 1871 as The Casket and merged with a competing magazine, Sunnyside, in 1932. Shortly thereafter it started showing the first signs of rigor mortis, going from 24 to 12 issues annually.
-via Boing Boing
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