The Power of Pokémon GO

All it takes is a super-viral video game to bring wildly diverse people together. Redditor BroWithTheFr0 took this selfie with a group of a dozen people who met playing Pokémon GO in Rochester, New York. The new friends are male, female, black, white, Asian, young, old, hairy, no hair, blue hair, and they have something in common to talk about. Gotta catch ‘em all! -via reddit

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Yay! My hometown! We need this...we just had two dead bodies discovered, both were burned, then had 73 arrests at a BLM rally, all while a trial is going on for some guys who killed people outside of a Boys And Girls Club. But for all that negative stuff, Rochester is still a great community, full of diverse, intelligent people who value culture and the arts.
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