Three rare Scottish Wildcat kittens were introduced to the public this week at Wildwood Wildlife Park in Kent, UK. The 11-week-old kittens are named Oban (male) and his sisters Fearn and Little Rhu. The mother Carna and the kittens have been separated from the father, RJ, for their safety, but will be reunited when the kittens are bigger. Scottish Wildcats were once numerous in Britain, but were hunted to near-extinction and now only exist in the Highlands of Scotland. They have a tendency to interbreed with house cats, so Wildwood does DNA studies on their cats in order to use the purest wildcat specimens for their breeding program, which is conducted by the organization Scottish Wildcat Action. Read more about the kittens at Kent Online. -via Fark
(Image credit: The Wildwood Trust at Facebook)
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