People cry Photoshop when they think something's wrong with an image, but if they'd spent less time crying fake and more time Googling they'd see many of those supposed fakes are actually the real deal.
Take this terrifying photo for instance:
People screamed fake when it was posted, but if the accusers had simply rotated their point of view they would see it for what it really is- a visual gag done well.
And then there are those who refuse to believe bright, vibrant colors like these can be captured in the wild, when we all know Mother Nature is one hell of a painter.
People said a lizard couldn't be caught on camera while chillin' with a leaf, but those buzzkills were just trying to harsh this little guy's mellow.
And as for the image at the top of the post- just a trippy optical effect caused by a tarp thrown over the Hausmannian building in Paris during renovation in 2007. No Photoshop, no bull!
See Pictures You'll Swear Were Photoshopped And You'll Be Wrong here