Roadside C-section on a Deer

Sean and Michele Steele of Alberta were on the highway to Prince Rupert, British Columbia, when they saw a truck hit a deer. Sean pulled his truck over, and went to pull the deer off the road -and possibly put it out of its misery. He dragged the deer carcass into a ditch

“And then that’s when I seen the feet coming out the side of the doe.”

Steele pulled out his knife and performed a cesarian section on the deceased deer. It took less than three minutes, and the fawn started breathing on its own. The couple looked up a local wildlife shelter, the Northern Lights Wildlife Society. They wrapped the fawn in blankets and put her in the back seat.  

The young fawn was dazed on the side of the road, working to get her legs under her and not realizing what had become of her mother until she was loaded into the back of the Steeles truck.

“She had life in her right away,” Sean said. “She started squirming around, and she did start calling for her mother when she was in my truck.”

The shelter says that Friday, as the fawn was named, has been doing well in the week since she was born in such unusual circumstances. -via Metafilter  

(Image credit: Stephanie Steele at Facebook)

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Thanks to Sean & Michele Steele of Alberta for saving the fawn's life. Just a reminder to the rest of us to drive more cautiously and remember the road is not a race track. Wish the Mother Deer had survived too, rest in peace.
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