It was the winter of 1812. The Canadians, long covetous of superior American lands, such as Texas and California, waited for Lake Ontario to freeze over. Then they sent their moose-back cavalry over the ice to invade America.
Naturally, we sent them packing in short order. President Madison celebrated by lighting a cigar and, in the process, accidentally starting a fire in the city of Washington. But after firefighters put it out, the Americans and Canadians made peace and have kept it, however tenuous, ever since.
Skirmishes still break out occasionally. Recently, photographer Lisa Bell saw a Bald Eagle slap around a Canada Goose in British Columbia.
It ended just like when General Winder whupped Laura Secord's troops at the Battle of Bladensburg. USA! USA! USA!
You can see more photos at BuzzFeed.
-via Jeremy Barker
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