Archive for June 15th, 2016

The Polyamorous Christian Socialist Utopia That Made Silverware for Proper Americans

A couple of years ago, we told you about the Oneida Community, a commune that practiced relative equality and complex marriage among all members and then ended up as a corporation that produced silverware. The group was...

21 Famous Homes with Amazing Features

[] (YouTube link)Homes become famous because of the rich and famous people who live there -or at least built them. When you’ve got money to throw around, you can get fabulous features bu...

The Richest Families In Florence Have Remained The Richest For Nearly 600 Years

Old Money families often claim that wealth stays with the wealthy, but we've all seen how quickly the winds of fortune can shift, especially in this age of tech stocks and economic turmoil.But those Old Money families th...

Take This Letter to Heven

Rob went through basic training in 1996. That’s when his young brother Logan wrote him this letter. He carried the letter with him through his entire military stint. Logan joined up after college in 2014, and Rob s...

Rest In Pepperoni - All We Have To Remember Him By Is Heartburn

Rest In Pepperoni by LucaOld Peppy the pepperoni pizza died doing what he loved- cramming himself into somebody's mouth. He lived a greasy life, told lots of cheesy jokes and only got really crusty when people accused h...

My Laptop Is Set Up To Take A Picture After 3 Incorrect Password Attempts

People are horrified when they discover someone has been using their computer without their permission, so they install security software that takes a picture when an incorrect password has been entered too many times.Th...

Sick Flag

The European Union is struggling to keep its members, particularly the UK. What can be done? Bolster the economy? Develop a comprehensive plan to deal with refugees? Naw, what they need is a better flag. That should do i...

The Weirdest Festivals Around the US This Summer

Looking for something to do this summer? Tired of all the same old rehashed celebrations you do every year? Then you won't want to miss this great new Thrillist article with some of the strangest festivals you've ever he...

T. Rex Does American Ninja Warrior

We’ve seen time and time again that if you want to make something funnier, you have a T. rex do it. The TV competition show American Ninja Warrior did just that, putting the dinosaur through its t...

Sometimes Corrupt Files Are Better Off Dead

Coders get a swollen head when they start using their coding skills to save corrupt files from the brink of digital destruction, but some corrupt files should simply be left to Rest In Pixels.For as this comic from Commi...

Everything You Need to Know about Tesla’s Gigafactory

Out in Sparks, Nevada, where there’s plenty of room, Tesla is launching a battery factory. That makes sense, as they already manufacture electric cars. But this isn’t just a car battery factory. It’s th...

Making Mochi is Scary

(Video Link)If you're familiar with even the most basic Japanese dessert, you're probably familiar with mochi, the sticky, sweet cakes made from rice flour. What you probably don't know is that the most traditional way t...

Woman’s Pension Cancelled Because She’s Too Old

Paranaense de 120 anos tem aposentadoria cancelada por ser velha demais.— Snap: gazetadopovo (@gazetadopovo) June 14, 2016 Jesuína Santos Cardoso of Unio...

Over 200 Animators Join Forces To Put Their Own Spin On Dragon Ball

The anime series Dragon Ball aired in the U.S. for the first time over twenty years ago, and there are plenty of grown up geeks out there who see Dragon Ball as an important part of their youth.These ge...

Brand Indigestion: Icky Pharmaceutical Mascots

Neatorama is proud to bring you a guest post from Ernie Smith, the editor of Tedium, a twice-weekly newsletter that hunts for the end of the long tail. In another life, he ran ShortFormBlog.“Gut Guy,” Xif...

Hello, Is It Hope You're Looking For - Too Cool For Congress

Hello, Is It Hope You're Looking For by PaulychildsI can see it in your eyes, I can see it in your smile, you're looking for a candidate who'll go the extra mile. Lionel knows just what to say and he knows just what to...

Wedding Night Traditions

Wedding nights are supposedly for consummating a marriage. The joining of two families in this manner was once an occasion that required witnesses, especially a politically-arranged marriage. Outside of such unpleasant r...

The Glory of the Washington D.C. Bark Ball

Prom is considered a right of passage for many human teenagers, but what about our obedience school students? Don't they deserve a night of fun frolicing in formal wear?The Washington Washington Humane Society-Washi...

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