Archive for June 14th, 2016

This Strange Device Is The Future Of Gunshot Wound Treatment Technology

(Image Link)Patching up a gunshot wound can be really tricky, and even experienced surgeons sometimes find it quite difficult to stop the bleeding, which complicates the entire surgery.Add in the fact that many gunshot w...

An Honest Trailer for Finding Nemo

In anticipation of the new movie Finding Dory this weekend, Screen Junkies gives us an Honest Trailer for the 2003 movie Finding Nemo. What could they possibly find wrong with Finding Nemo? Not...

Blacksmiths Create Propane Powered Replica Of Voltron's Blazing Sword

As far as fictional swords go Voltron's flame-spitting Blazing Sword is definitely one of the coolest in the cartoon galaxy. Of course, it doesn't hurt that it exudes fiery energy, an attribute that makes it seemingly im...

The Ad Campaign that Convinced Americans to Pay for Water

Why do people spend so much money for bottled water when they can get it out of a tap for almost nothing? In 2016, it’s an in grained habit. It’s often the only way to get water away from home, with fewer pub...

The Delightful 3D Artwork of Eric Ho

If you love corgis, you'll love the work of NYC artist Eric Ho, who makes absolutely amazing 3D printed designs like this amazing corgi bottle opener.Or this adorkable Thorgi. His Shapeways page is filled with corgi-cent...

Three Gears are Possible

Does it ever bother you when you see a logo featuring three gears that are supposed to work together …because you know that won’t work? It sure grinds my gears, so to speak. But you can get three ge...

Creative Human Photoshops His Shiba Inu Into Famous Photos

The Shiba Inu has proven to be one of those dog breeds the internet adores, forever becoming part of internet culture with the appearance of Doge.But the internet's a mighty big place, and there is plenty of room for ano...

The 10 Most Expensive Pokémon Cards of All-Time

Twenty years after Pokémon trading cards were launched, you could well be rewarded for hoarding those early cards. Did you play with them, or keep them in mint condition? That makes a difference when you want to c...

Geralt Of Rivia - Don't Fear Witchy Women, Fear The Witcher Man

Geralt Of Rivia by TeeHunterNo man has ever commanded a presence quite like Geralt Of Rivia, which seems appropriate considering how many epic monsters he has slain. They call him the Witcher, which some see as an insul...

Wife Tries to Poison Husband Through His Underwear

Plenty of wives have tried to poison their husbands over the years, but when Mrs. Zhang decided to take care of her matrimonial problem, she didn't want to go the traditional method of poisoning her husband's food....

Princess for a Day, Disney Bride for Life

What’s it like to get married in the “happiest place in earth”? Disney weddings are so popular that 5,000 couples tie the knot every year in one of Disney’s theme parks or cruises. The biggest num...

The Six Month Old Water Skier

Some people (me, for example) couldn't water ski if their life depended on it, but it seems like some people were just born into it. Well, that's certainly true in the case of Zyla St. Onge, who may hold the world r...

Smelly Loved Ones: Close Relatives, Twins, and Sweethearts

The following is an article from The Annals of Improbable Research, now in all-pdf form. Get a subscription now for only $25 a year!Research about kin and romantic partner scentscompiled by Alice Sh...

Han Solo and Kylo Ren

The way I figure it, this is called a “big head” video because new heads are pasted over the movie footage, and it’s easier to cover the original heads if the new heads are bigger. Right? Anyway, this p...

Artist Who Lost His Arm Now Has World's First Tattoo Machine Prosthetic

Artists who lose the use of their arms or hands often feel like their artistic careers are over, which is totally understandable considering how important hands are to an artist.So when JC Sheitan Tenet lost his arm in a...

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