Archive for May 31st, 2016

Check Out These Awesome Pop Culture Crochet Dolls

There are a lot of amigurumi (crocheted dolls) on Etsy, but while you can probably find dozens of Batman dolls, I don't think I've ever seen a Big Lebowski doll, or the Log Lady from Twin Peaks.And that...

Forest Moon Distressed - Beware Of Imperial Imitations

Forest Moon Distressed by DC Visual ArtsEwoks don't know nothin' about shaving, warring, designing clothing or making a meal that doesn't have fur in it, but those little bear cub lookin' critters sure brew a mean wheat...

You Are Two

Patients with chronic frequent grand mal seizures are sometimes helped by severing the corpus callosum, the membrane of nerves that connect the left and right hemispheres of the brain. This keeps a seizure from overwhelm...

Swarm Of Bees Follows Woman's Car For Two Days

Bees don't understand the concept of car ownership, so when their queen decides to hitch a ride inside a car the rest of the colony goes along for the ride, whether the car's owner likes it or not.But their bee-fuddlemen...

Smash Your Burgers!

Chefs have been telling us for years that you shouldn’t smash your burger patties in the frying pan because you’ll squeeze all the juices out. So then why do the chains Shake Shack and Smashburger do just tha...

Why You Should Never Turn Your Back On A Big Cat

Big cats like tigers and cheetahs are popular among the pet collecting crowd, but these apex predators don't change their killer ways no matter how long they're kept in captivity and often turn on their captors.Which is...

Five Private Island Escapes That are Truly Unforgettable

If you want the ultimate vacation getaway, you can buy your own private island. However, if you aren’t made of money, but you have some to spend on vacation, you might want to consider the folks who already bought...

10 Awesome Owl Items on Etsy

Owls are amazing creatures both in reality and in myth. They're even a symbol of wisdom. If you're among the many people in the world who are obsessed with owls, you won't want to miss these awesome Etsy finds.B...

Florida Golf Course Hazard

Charlie Helms was golfing with friends at the Buffalo Creek Golf Course in Palmetto, Florida, when a large alligator walked across the fairway. How large was it? “Dave, get next to it for perspective!”[https:...

Stained Glass Windows Featuring Controversial Figures As Saints

Many controversial characters have achieved sainthood throughout history, and even saints like Paul the Apostle, Francis of Assisi and Teresa of Avila have skeletons in their closet.So perhaps in some far off future age,...

Tinder: The Superhero Movie

A new superhero has arrived! Tinder has the ability to destroy others with a left swipe! Watch him as he battles an army of evil bots set to take over the world -the world of internet dating![

Better Not Look At The Stats Screen After Your Character Is Dead

The stats screen is fun to look at while you're playing through a video game, so you can see how many kills you have under your belt, how close you are to finding all the secrets, and how many hours you've been playing t...


The following article is from Uncle John’s Factastic Bathroom Reader.Sure, you support your favorite sports team. You wear the team ball cap, have a team logo decal in your car window, maybe even drink...

He Man Action Figure - Orko Sold Separately

He Man Action Figure by NerdlyArtHe was the little buff action figure that changed it all back in the 1980s, the super tough looking toy who rode on the back of a green tiger and battled a nefarious foe with a skull fac...

Slumbering Driver Shows Us What The Freeways Of The Future Will Look Like

Thanks to the forward thinking folks at Tesla Motors we can see what freeway traffic will look like in the future when “inefficient” human driven cars are replaced by self driving models- basically a bunch of...

The Origin of the Paper Bag

Margaret Knight went to work in a cotton mill in New Hampshire when she was only ten years old. After all, that was in 1848, and her widowed mother needed every penny the family could earn. Knight was smart and had a tal...

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