(Comic via Gemma Correll)
When Myers-Briggs came up with their test to categorize people as either introverted or extroverted they couldn't have known what an impact it would make on the world.
(Comic via find chaffy)
Now, nearly twenty years later, the internet community at large is obsessed with the concept, but if their posts are to be believed the introverts far outnumber the extroverts, at least when it comes to posting online.
(Comic via Owlturd)
If you're an introvert you'll totally understand these comics and relate to the artist's view of the world.
(Comic via Introvert Doodles)
If you're an extrovert, or an I-don't-know-what-I-am, then these comics will be your guide to understanding the ways of the introverted, and they will explain a lot about your "weird" friend's "strange" behavior.
(Comic via C. Cassandra)
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