Companies talk about tasting rainbows and seeing colors the way they're supposed to be seen, but if you want to take the ultimate trip you've gotta eat some magic. Take a bite out of a magical beast and you'll be seeing all kinds of crazy stuff, grinning like a fool while the magic messes with your mind. It's some powerful stuff and should be used in moderation, but if your body can bear it the magic will make all other meals pale in comparison. And remember- you can't spell meat, madman or magic without MMMM!
Share your uniquely geeky style with the hungry world by wearing this Eat Magic t-shirt by Hillary White, it's a real doozy!
Visit Hillary White's Facebook fan page, official website and Tumblr, then head on over to her NeatoShop for more hilariously geeky designs:
Wolf Laser | Bae | Precious Light | Skeletang |
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