Micah McDade of Okmulgee, Oklahoma was born with cerebral palsy. He uses a wheelchair throughout his daily life. But he decided that he wanted to make a big change for his high school graduation: he wanted to walk across the stage to receive his diploma.
So he trained for months for this one special moment. And when his name was called, McDade rose from his wheelchair and walked several steps--the first time he had ever walked in public. The Telegraph reports:
And so, without telling his classmates what he was preparing, Micah put in months of preparation ahead of Friday’s ceremony, building on the countless surgeries he’s had through his life to improve his mobility.
To deafening cheers, Micah was helped up from his chair and made his way across the platform, with the help of staff and a walking frame.
His parents Mark and Anisa McDade told reporters they couldn't be prouder, and wept with joy as they stood cheering along with the crowd.
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