(Photo: David A. Mitchell)
Phillips Brewery is releasing a new pilsner. To mark the occasion, it plans to deliver its new product to one thirsty drinker who wins a contest using a 4-year old bald eagle named Hercules. The contest is called "Beer from a Bird." It's the company's retro response to Amazon.com drone delivery. CTV News reports:
The brewery has partnered with Duncan-based Pacific Northwest Raptors for the contest.
The organization, which aims to raise awareness and promote conservation for birds of prey, is supplying a four-year-old bald eagle named Hercules to deliver a single can of Pilsner to the winner.
“We wanted to be involved because our goal is to get people closer to these incredible birds,” said operations manager Robyn Radcliffe. “So they’ll hopefully feel more inspired to protect them in their natural habitats, to learn more about ways that they can do that and to get more involved in conservation.” [...]
“He won’t be flying that far. Half a kilometre, probably. It’s sort of up to him,” Radcliffe said. “Our birds moods govern our interactions with them. We’re not going to ask them anything they’re not confident and comfortable doing. That’s very, very important to us.”
Half a kilometre translated into American is 0.31 miles. Despite the use of America's national bird, Phillips Brewery is actually located in Victoria, British Columbia. Here's the brewery's promotional video for the contest:
-via Dave Barry