How To Avoid Turning Into A Troll While Working From Home

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Working from home seems like a dream come true when you're tired of being forced to commute and sit in the same building day in and day out, but working from home also comes with a risk of turning into a troll.

Now we're not talking about the online version here, we're talking those antisocial creatures from folklore who smell and are so socially inept they end up living under a bridge because they can't fiti in with society.

If you work from home and don't want to go full troll all you have to do is work like you would anywhere else- keep your work space clean, keep to a work schedule and keep track of all tasks and deadlines.

You'll also feel like less of a troll if you keep your pants on while working, or at least bathe on a regular basis, both of which will make things a lot less awkward when you invite your fellow trolls home workers over.

But beware- day drinking often leads to a loss of pants!

Read How To Work From Home Without Turning Into A Troll here

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