(Photo: Amanda Wilkins)
Amanda Wilkins is the mother of two children, both of whom have blindness and autism. Taking them shopping is hard. When they arrived at the checkout line at a Morrisons grocery store in Basingstoke, Hampshire, UK, one of the kids had a meltdown.
The cashier working that register flipped the situation around. She invited the child behind the counter and let her swipe her goods across the scanner. On Facebook, Wilkins writes:
As you can imagine shopping is not an easy thing for me to do, at the checkout both girls decided to go into meltdown and this very kind lady decided to help instead of judge. It doesn't happen very often! She distracted my daughter by letting her scan all my shopping. A dream come true for Holly who loves playing 'shops'. It melts my heart to come across people that are prepared to go the extra mile, and little acts of kindness makes a massive difference to my world.
The Telegraph reports that Morrisons has identified the cashier as Lin. A company representative commented:
Well, I don't know where to start with this one Amanda just reading this story has brought a tear to my eye. […]
It's amazing how something small can make a massive difference to others and Its lovely to hear that one of your daughters dreams has been brought to life by this act of kindness.
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