Skateboarding is an integral part of the Southern California lifestyle for many, which makes sense considering SoCal natives grow up in a place where virtually everyone surfs, bikes and skates.
That's why the latest trends in skateboarding typically start in California, but here's hoping the dangerous new trend of freeway skateboarding doesn't catch on.
The video above was uploaded over five years ago and is considered the inspiration for the current #FreewayChallenge trend, but the cars were stopped in that video.
Nowadays the videos posted online show these foolishly brave freeway skaters jumping out of cars on crowded freeways during rush hour, grabbing bumpers and weaving through traffic on their board.
The California Highway Patrol is worried more kids will want to try freeway skating and get killed for a bit of fun, which is why they're scanning social media for freeway skating videos and making arrests.
"Sk8 Or Die!" is just a silly slogan, guys, and not a suggestion on how to live your life!
-Via Fox5
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Neal Stephenseon's "Snow Crash" is a novel that features skateboard couriers who use magnetic clamps to snag cars on the freeway to get around. And it's set mostly in So-Cal.