Kitten Rescued from Tree by Crowdfunding

(YouTube link)

A 6-month-old cat named Boots became stuck high in a tree in Melbourne, Australia, early on Wednesday morning. The RSPCA and the local fire brigade declined to help. The cat’s owner couldn’t afford to hire a professional animal rescue service, and the tree branches were too spindly for anyone to climb.   

To raise the money needed, neighbor Susie Butler  started a Go Fund Me account. The required $205 was raised within a day, and Thursday morning Nigel's Animal Rescue managed to get Boots out of the tree. He had been there over 24 hours by then. You can see video of the rescue operation here. -via Arbroath

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It depends on the cat and tree, as I've had neighbors who's cat broke bones coming down a tree on its own, and that is a lot more expensive to deal with than getting someone to bring them down. Climbing down a tree too tall to just jump down is a learned behavior, and some cats aren't going to figure that out if the first time they need to use it is from a very tall tree after being stuck up there a long time. Also, cats' kidneys aren't very robust at dealing with dehydration, and being stuck somewhere for more than a couple days is risky for cat, yet doesn't do much to motivate cats.
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I don't think anyone has ever seen a cat that died after it got stuck up in a tree. Given enough incentive they always come down, usually without any help from us humans.
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